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About us
LightNET technology has been developed by a team of experts from IS - Industry Solutions company since 2008. Initially, it was mainly for the needs of saving electricity consumption of public lighting and also for the requirement to control or manage public lighting. Today, LightNET TECHNOLOGY allows you to build various SmartCity solutions according to customer needs. Many years of experience are based on local and transnational projects and long-term activities in this branch.
More about the parent company IS – Industry Solutions

About us
More about the parent company IS – Industry Solutions
Every city, town and village have an existing system of public lighting. This system consists of an extensive power supply network, switchboards and the lightings. This extensive power supply network, including switchboards and lightings is active (under electrical voltage) at night and is not active outside this time. Our solution is based on the usage of this extensive power supply network also during the day and power supply network can be used for connection of other devices.

2021 Industry Solutions
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